:: The Freewheelin' Reader ::

The Freewheelin' Reader is the literary companion to our shared movement. This evolution involves a spiritual and psychological connection with ones self and others. To that end, The Reader presents and frequently comments on social, musical and literary issues.
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[::..recommended learnin'..::]
[::..recommended liesure..::]
[::..recommended living..::]
::Herbivore Clothing Company::
::The House::
::Go Vegan::
::Green Party::
::Voice Yourself::
[::..recommended reads and writes..::]
::UTNE Reader::
::The Dominion::
[::..recommended tunes..::]
::The New Music::
[::..recommended games..::]
::Ninja Theatre::
::Wrath II::
::Matrix Pong::
::60 Seconds of Madness::
::Fly Guy::
::Frozen Bubble::
::Breakout 360::
[::..old recommendations..::]
::Freewheelin' Reader::

:: 24.2.05 ::

I wasn't going to post anything today, but something kept tugging at me to do it.
I think this might be it:
Canadian couple's photos of the tsunami that killed them
It's not actually that interesting (except that the people in the pictures are now dead).

:: 23.2.05 ::
Kathy sent this...
Hippo bird-day two ewe,
Hippo bird-day two ewe,
Hippo bird-day deer Timmie....
Hippo bird-day two ewe!

(respectfully stolen from Boynton and Hallmark cards)

... it's for my birthday.

:: 20.2.05 ::
This is a website for all you D&D fans who just won't let go. Naturally it was sent to me by LaRue.

:: 18.2.05 ::

:: 15.2.05 ::
Your eco-friendly garden designs
In our Planet Under Pressure series we've looked at some of the world's biggest environmental problems.

Mr Lebanon
Will the murder of the country's richest man dent the economy?

In Mexico, where half of the 100 million people are under the age of 24, three out of every 10 children are born to mothers under 20 years old. There are estimated to be more than 50,000 abortions a year among girls between 15 and 19, says former New York Times bureau chief and foreign correspondent Barbara Crossette.

:: 10.2.05 ::
Technoskeptic Techie
By Joseph Hart
There have always been dissenters from the digital revolution: technoskeptics who have raised red flags about the degree to which computer technology rules our lives. Arrayed against them have been the geeks who have mostly been cheerleaders for a fully digital future. But these days, voices of dissent are beginning to emerge from the computer industry itself. Some high-level techies are questioning the value of the very genies whose lamps they've rubbed.

You're minding your own business waiting for a bus when a squad car approaches. The police officer glances at a $20 handheld scanner, and in the seconds it takes him to drive past, he knows your name and birthday, all about last week's vasectomy, and even what you paid for your latest magazine subscription. You feel like you're starring in a science fiction flick. But you're not. You've stumbled into one potential use of radio frequency identification (RFID) -- an existing technology that allows products, credit cards, driver's licenses, and even your own body to transmit a unique radio signal that anyone can intercept.


:: 5.2.05 ::
Rebels on the Backlot: Six Maverick Directors and How They Conquered the Hollywood Studio System, by Sharon Waxman - http://www.powells.com/pow/review/2005_02_05. I love Paul Thomas Anderson, so maybe I'll read this book.

:: 2.2.05 ::
A recommendation that mass killings in the Darfur region of Sudan be referred to the International Criminal Court is threatening to become a new source of tension between the United States and some of its allies.

Danny sent me this. Very Cool.

"Check this out. All LEGO pieces. Kinda neat. The only church where the parishoners can remove and exchange heads with each other. My dad sent this to me.
I thought that the many of us who have ever bought and/or played with Lego would enjoy this piece of artwork. It was about a year and a half of planning, building and photographing. More than 75,000 pieces of Lego to build it - 7 feet by 5 1/2 feet by 30 inches. Seats 1372 people, 3976 windows. It features a balcony, a Narthex, stairs to the balcony, restrooms, coat rooms, mosaics, a nave, a baptistry, an altar, a crucifix, a pulpit and an elaborate pipe organ. "

The Ten Worst Corporations of 2004


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